Für immer von Frauen befreundet
984 100%
''I Think We Should Stay Friends'' is a phrase you have probably heard throughout your entire life. Tell me, how many times have you been told that throughout your life? You've always been seen as the nice guy by women. The guy that girls talk to about problems with their boyfriend. But nice guys never get to fuck and you know this. Girls can see straight through your fake bravado. Nice guys like you will always be friendzoned by women. You're simply not boyfriend material. No, you're just a placeholder for girls to talk about all of their problems too. And anytime you would ask them out, they would say ‘'I think we should just stay friends''. That's a nice way of them telling you that the thought of being in a romantic relationship with you repulses them. You will forever be a friendzoned fucking loser that will always be alone.
"Ich denke, wir sollten Freunde bleiben" ist ein Satz, den du wahrscheinlich schon in deinem ganzen Leben gehört hast.
Sag mir, wie oft hast du diesen Satz schon in deinem ganzen Leben gehört?
Du warst immer der nette Kerl von Frauen.
Der Typ, mit dem Frauen über Probleme mit ihrem Freund reden.
Aber nette Kerle wie du werden von Frauen nur zu ihrem eigenen Vorteil benutzt.