Ich bin die Straßenhure meines Mannes und holte mich zu einem Faustfick ab

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Da ist eine Hure mit einem großen Klopfer.

Ja, das stimmt.



Okay, was soll ich tun?

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Davenmac vor 9 Monaten
Holy balls
ms_dyna_slut Veröffentlicht von vor 1 Jahr
yes ii do 
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6upforsex9 vor 1 Jahr
he jerked more than her.
lmstix vor 3 Jahren
oh my goodness 
ms_dyna_slut Veröffentlicht von vor 3 Jahren
LOL  there is peace in my life i have my husband !
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pogonophile1 vor 3 Jahren
Okay, I tried. I hope you find some peace in your life and stop being so angry. I never thought some one complimenting a man on his sexy qualities would garner such negative responses. You should be flattered that others find your husband sexy....
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ms_dyna_slut Veröffentlicht von vor 3 Jahren
we have the human right not to chill out !
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pogonophile1 vor 3 Jahren
You really need to chill out.... I was complimenting your husband. Again, he is sexy and I was just commenting on his physical attributes. You should not post videos if you can not handle men commenting about your husband.... many, many men would love to service him, this does not mean he is a homosexual, just means he is a sexy man.
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ms_dyna_slut Veröffentlicht von vor 3 Jahren
my husband is not gay or queer  
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pogonophile1 vor 3 Jahren
I was saying he is a fucking hot man.... small dicked men are great to service, as you already know. He is fucking sexy as Hell. LOVE the dick and the amazing 'stache. I would service him and that beautiful dick anytime.
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